Jueves, 10 Noviembre 2016

BP wins big in offshore Newfoundland round

UK supermajor teams up with Hess and Noble, bidding hundreds of millions of dollars in work commitments.

UK supermajor BP was the big winner in the latest call for bids from the Canada-Newfoundland & Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board (C-NLOPB) for deep-water tracts off Eastern Newfoundland and in the Jeanne d'Arc basin. C-NLOPB collected a total of just under C$758 million (US$565.3 million) in work commitments from operators looking to explore the promising frontier region. Bidders were required to offer at least C$10 million in work commitments for an initial nine-year license. Off Eastern Newfoundland, C-NLOPB attracted seven total bids and awarded six parcels in the licencing round. The biggest bid was a $C276.3 million bid for the 233,654-hectare Parcel 3. BP's Canadian subsidiary will operate on 50% with Hess and Noble Energy both on 25%.

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